Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Interview to better my blog

I wanted to improve my blog and therefore I interviewed three people to get their insight on my topic. I interviewed one Danish guy Frederik, an American guy Erik, and a American girl Micheala.

What I generally found out was that neither of my interviewees had ever followed a blog like mine that portrayed the American college life on ODU, but they all had many foreign friends and one is foreign, and therefore they had some insight on the topic I have chosen for my blog. There was however no place on the internet they knew about that offered this kind of insight. But as Eric stated "I don't really follow any blogs", which they all agreed on was true and because of this couldn't state how my blog compared to others in the bloggosphere.

They all agreed to follow my blog because they found it interesting to see ODU from a different perspective than their own.

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